Or even questioned things that you have been told are true for your reality?

Or questioned what YOU love to do or things about your life?

Or better yet, have you EVER known what you truly love?

Because the truth is many of us are doing things that other people have told us to do, and sometimes we don't even realize it.

This was me. I so get it!

I'm considered to be a tall woman, and although some people think this is a fabulous thing that comes with many benefits, it wasn't always the case for me. For much of my life it has been a source of self-judgment and pain.

"I have learned that the mind can be a pain-producing robot if you let it. And what I discovered is you can have the freedom of peace, love, and connection with a practice of what I call the Undoing of Doing."

In this program Kristin will guide you to ‘un-do’ old programming and so you can move toward designing the life YOU choose through simplification and bringing the mind, body, and spirit together. This program is designed for you to focus on letting go of the old things that are no longer making you smile and so that you can 'do' more things that you enjoy. This helps you to align with your highest desires as you rediscover what it is that YOU love again. You will learn simple techniques that can be used daily (or whenever you need it) to shift your energy and add more HAPPINESS to your life! Each module will offer a new release and alignment practice, followed by the opportunity to create and/or re-discover what truly makes you happy! Kristin understands that every person is different and the importance of implementing practices that work for you, wherever you are on your journey. Through this program, you will explore how to "create more" by "doing less" and develop your own personal "tool kit" and what will work for you to help you transition with ease through these ever-changing times. AND you don't have to do this alone! Included in the program is access to LIVE zoom group coaching sessions every third Thursday of the month at 11am MT/12pm CT.

The LIVE Coaching Sessions with Kristin that are included with this program are held on the third Thursday of the month at 12pm CT.

The Line-up of LIVE Coaching Sessions are....

The time is NOW to set yourself free from repeating patterns of fear, lack, and limitations!

Whether it is to be happy or unhappy, experience pain or pleasure, to be seductive or sensual, it all is created from within. YOU have the power to create your own experience of life!


  • Full Access To The Online Program: New Content, Masterclasses, Meditations, Tools & Tips Being Added Each Month for a Total of 12 Full Modules. Each month you will learn personal freedom tools so you can eliminate things that are no longer wanted, needed or desired to add what it is that you DO WANT.
  • LIVE Zoom Coaching Sessions + Replays: Monthly Live Group Coaching and Energetic Sessions with Kristin to get all of your questions answered while receiving guidance to help you in your personal journey to more freedom and happiness!
  • Bonus Tips, Tools, and Resources: Resources and tools to help you feel more FREE to make the decisions that are aligned with creating a life that YOU CHOOSE
  • A ComYOUnity who supports YOU right where you are at and throughout your journey!


  • Full Access To The HAPS Soul Sessions Mentorship: New Content, Heart-Work Sheets, Masterclasses, Meditations, Tools & Tips Being Added Each Month
  • H.A.P.S. LIVE Zoom Sessions with Jena Harris & Michael Dake: These monthly group mentoring sessions are about clearing and releasing old energies and Expanding Your Awareness & Happiness
  • Heart Activation & Reclaiming Your Dominion: Finally Feel Free From The Stress & Chaos
  • A ComYOUnity: Soul Connections with Like-Minded People From Around The World


One Payment $1,111

Three Payments $388

Meet Kristin...

Energetic Transition Coach & Happiness Facilitator

Kristin is a Sports Scientist, Outdoor Adventure Enthusiast, Transitional Coach, and Reiki Master. After years of studying the human body and movement, she realized that there was a missing element affecting our ability to change & evolve and that was energy. 

Through her worldly travels and personal life events, Kristin realized that one thing remained constant, she was always in transition, and in order to gracefully maneuver through her ever-changing world, her body, mind, and spirit needed to be in alignment. That was the founding moment of her online coaching biz, InTransition Wellness and E-book, "Discover Your Passion and Release Your Fear." 

Kristin believes that emotions are energy in motion and similar to the body, can be released and transformed into something big and beautiful that makes you smile. 

Work with Kristin...

Schedule a

Private Session

Align To Design Your Life

7 Day Online Course

The Undoing of Doing

Online Program

© Kristin Lee 2020 - 2021 in Connection with The Spa For The Soul - The Happy YOUniverse - All Rights Reserved

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