Because the truth is many of us are doing things that other people have told us to do, and sometimes we don't even realize it.
I'm considered to be a tall woman, and although some people think this is a fabulous thing that comes with many benefits, it wasn't always the case for me. For much of my life it has been a source of self-judgment and pain.
Through her worldly travels and personal life events, Kristin realized that one thing remained constant, she was always in transition, and in order to gracefully maneuver through her ever-changing world, her body, mind, and spirit needed to be in alignment. That was the founding moment of her online coaching biz, InTransition Wellness and E-book, "Discover Your Passion and Release Your Fear."
Kristin believes that emotions are energy in motion and similar to the body, can be released and transformed into something big and beautiful that makes you smile.
Private Session
7 Day Online Course
Online Program