Expanding Consciousness & Connecting To Your Power Program is designed to uncover the wholeness that already exists within you through examining your beliefs, perceptions, and anything else holding you back from your inner power. These classes and sessions will assist you in looking at new ways to perceive through your heart by healing yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This is a journey of reconnecting to your inner authority and inner peace. By expanding your consciousness with the elements of nature, you will remember your true essence and become a master of energy. Are you ready to uncover your power to take your life in the direction you want?
Join Hydee Tehana, a wayshower and spirituality ambassador, as she offers clarity, wisdom, and guidance to those who are ready to step into this new paradigm of living from our hearts. She has written Fire and Water: Awakening the Dragon Within which is all about her healing journey as well as 3 books from her What If series which is about beliefs, death, and our universe. Hydee will assist you in connecting to the oneness that exists right here within yourself, waiting to be rediscovered through teachings, sharings, meditations, journaling, somatic healing, and more.
Hi! I’m Hydee and I feel like I have already lived a thousand lives in this one lifetime. Growing up in 70’s in California and Texas as the product of divorced parents, I began questioning life early as to what I was doing here on this planet. Thankfully, I had and have a deep connection with Source and all of Mother Nature which helped me get through so much of this funny thing we call “Life!”
I am a rebel at heart and as I learned the systems we have built around us, I began to question everything and ask the bigger question…Why?! Wondering why we have to go to school, go to work, believe a certain religion, have laws and rules to tell us what to do made me rebel even more. I was taught to be the “good girl” and to be seen, but not heard from my mother, yet my father reminded me that women are just as powerful as men.
Like all of us, I forgot who I truly was as I embraced what this world taught us that was important for a while until none of it made any sense whatsoever. Partying, playing, and trying to fit in wasn’t working and in my early 30s, I knew something was deeply missing. According to our Western culture, I had it all! I was a captain/paramedic in the fire department, married, two kids, beautiful house, traveling, plenty of money, and lots of great friends and family. My dad told me I would be happy once I attained all of this, yet I was miserable! Nothing made sense.
So, my life unraveled and I dove into understanding myself through therapy which led to my healing my many wounds including my mistrust and abandonment issues. This led me to questioning my beliefs and everything I was ever taught in this world which destroyed my foundation opening me up to life, love, and a new way of seeing the world! I found a whole new world out there that most of us don’t even know exists.
Being openminded, I am a visionary, wayshower, and love to expand consciousness. I remember my reasons for incarnating on Earth as we are in a huge paradigm shift! I love exploring the paranormal, other reality systems, extraterrestrials, multidimensionality, and helping others remember what they are doing here. I have a master’s degree in counseling psychology and am a licensed therapist. Through my books, speaking, and in sessions, I will inspire you to become the best version of yourself, reconnecting you to your joy and your passion!