you have to show the world 'that you are confident', but inside you feel everything BUT confident? It's that moment in your life where you don't even know who you are or trust yourself anymore because society and social media have created unrealistic expectations.

Girl, I feel you, because that was me!

How about really wanting to change your hair style, or wear something that you saw in the store that looked so nice but didn't ever go for it because you were so afraid of what others may say or think?

Ah darling...if that is how you feel, well, that was the paralyzing fear I always felt too!

It's like you never get to be who you really want to be.

Like you cannot give yourself permission to BE yourself

The truth is, I haven't always been confident, and it's been a painful journey along the way.

What I can share is I have learned things that have helped me to regain the clarity for what it is that I want for my life, not what others want FOR ME, or the things I thought I was 'suppose to do'. I have learned to give myself permission to be who I want to be and even embrace my own style, regardless if it's a simple casual look or a glammed out look rocking my Gucci belt. I now do things unapologetically! And I want to help YOU do the same!

Going through my own personal battles and challenges was the fuel I needed to create a program so that I can help YOU TOO! Introducing you to...

Becoming Your Vogue is a program that is like nothing you have experienced before. It's not just your typical online course where you are left to navigate and do things on your own. This program has been especially designed to help you unapologetically step into your confident and beautiful unique self! And most importantly change the way that YOU see yourself by owning your differences that make YOU your OWN kind of Vogue!

Self- Acceptance is a powerful journey and you shouldn't go through the journey alone. Be ready to transform from the inside out! Literally. You will not recognize your old self because you will be too busy absolutely embracing and owning this version of yourself that has been waiting to be exposed! Empowered decisions, hearing YOUR voice, and choosing yourself above all things, the "self" that God created! Get ready for a journey that will change your life!.....

Did you know that FEAR is what is usually standing in our way of stepping into our full potential? (Which is what I call our 'self-mastery')

But, guess what? Fear doesn’t have to hold you back anymore!

I want to meet you right where you are at. I don't want you to feel like you have to have all of your life together, because life isn't perfect, BUT YOU ARE, already, just as you ARE. Even if you don't feel it. That's why I am here, so you are not alone on this journey to explore the possibilities of what CAN BE for YOU and your life!

Do you feel a deep yearning for something more but you don't know how you will ever find the courage to go after what it is that you want?

Don't worry, I GOT YOU!

What about having more meaningful relationships where you feel that you can express who YOU ARE confidently without a filter?


I designed this program especially for YOU! This means you can go at your own pace, and also have access to LIVE coaching each month to help you on your journey through this big expansion that will be taking place. Also, I have teamed up with The Happy YOUniverse, so included with this program as a BONUS you will also receive support from Jena Harris and Michael Dake in the H.A.P.S. Soul Sessions each and every month, along with the other Happiness Facilitators in The Happy YOUniverse. Does it get any better?

Each month in the program you get access to:

  • Full Access To The Online Program: New Content, Masterclasses, Meditations, Tools & Tips Being Added Each Month for a Total of 12 Full Modules. Each month you will learn tools for your own personal growth and self-mastery so you can eliminate ever having self-doubt again

  • LIVE Zoom Coaching Sessions + Replays: Monthly Live Group Coaching and Mentoring Sessions with me to get all of your questions answered while receiving guidance to help you learn to trust yourself more

  • Bonus Tips, Tools, and Resources: Resources and tools to help you feel more confident in your decisions that are aligned with creating a life that you have always wanted, and not doing it alone

  • A ComYOUnity who supports YOU right where you are at and throughout your journey!


  • Full Access To The Soul Sessions Mentorship: New Content, Heart-Work Sheets, Masterclasses, Meditations, Tools & Tips Being Added Each Month

  • LIVE Zoom Soul Sessions with Jena Harris & Michael Dake: These monthly group mentoring sessions are about clearing and releasing old energies and Expanding Your Awareness & Happiness CLICK HERE for more information

  • Sessions for Your Soul – Reclaim Your Smile, Freedom and Light! Finally Feel Free From The Stress & Chaos so you can smile again!

  • A ComYOUnity: Soul Connections with Like-Minded People From Around The World

Payment Options:

The LIVE Coaching Sessions that are included with this program are held on the Second Wednesday of The Month at 9am MT/10am CT

The Line-up of LIVE Coaching Sessions are....

  • Feel POWERFUL in the face of any fear or challenge because you know how to RISE above what used to hold you back
  • Give yourself permission to BE HAPPY and EXCITED about your life
  • Understand how to truly LOVE AND ACCEPT YOURSELF and live with the FREEDOM to be YOU
  • Wake up every day with CONFIDENCE to create life on your terms
  • Have the COURAGE to know that YOU GOT THIS

 What if I miss a LIVE session?

Answer: No problem! I get it, life happens sometimes! These incredibly powerful and fun sessions are recorded which means if you miss the live session you WILL have access to the replay in your member course area. 

  How Do I join the sessions?

Answer: There will be new resources each month to listen at your leisure, and the live sessions are done via zoom, the camera is encouraged but NOT needed to attend. You can join via your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You will be provided a link in your members area.

 How long does this program take?

Answer: This program is designed for YOU, with YOU in mind, so this means YOU go at your own pace. It is broken down into module sections to help you go through the program at your own pace with a total of 12 modules. There will be one module available each month including a LIVE coaching Session so you can pace yourself.

  What can i expect?

Answer: Of course, let me explain! These sessions and masterclasses are designed to help you not only become the version YOU want to be by becoming your vogue, but to also step into your self-mastery confidently and unapologetically! You will learn that you are truly a gift and embracing your differences as strengths instead of weaknesses.

As a small-town girl with nothing more than the passion for people and a deep-rooted belief that I was made for something special, I’ve had the pleasure of working in many different industries (including fashion and travel!), and running my own Human Resource Consulting business for 7 years in LA and now running The Center of Confidence in Dubai.

Today, I empower professionals to step up and stop being afraid so they can become the person they so badly desire to be and show up in their daily lives as THAT version. My exclusive private coaching, high-support group coaching programs, and corporate workshops are for the ones who truly value confidence and understand that it’s a game-changer.

Because not communicating your ideas, second-guessing your every move, and feeling like you're not good enough won’t do any good for your life, neither will this mindset do much for your professional growth.

Maybe you would like to start with smaller steps?

Great! I've got something perfect for you!

This is a 7 Day Online Course that is designed to help you reclaim who YOU are! This is a simple to follow mini course for you to do at your leisure!

Click the link below to get access!

In this course you will learn how to give yourself permission to be authentic and show up as the woman you have always wanted to be. You will learn how to play whatever version you want. You will throw out the labels (literally) that are holding you back.

Why do you have to play big or small? Why can’t you just play and have fun with who you are? Every day you will learn tools that will help you explore this journey and how you will shine from the inside out. This journey is about cleaning the closet of your mind and your wardrobe!

© Nancy Haines 2021 - in connection with Spa For The Soul - The Happy YOUniverse - All Rights Reserved

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