"Your life experiences creates you.

Your are constantly shifting.

As you shift you evolve.

Evolution is growth.

Growth is life.

Life is breath.

Breath is love.

Love heals.

Healing is evolution.

The evolution to the perfect YOU!"

-Maricela Rios

Maricela is passionate about helping people live their most joyful life!

She has gone through several life transitions including a divorce, parenting, career and family shifts, and much more.

Through these life transitions she has learned to be resilient leaning on faith, while learning to trust herself.

Through her life transitions she has become aware of her mind-set and how it has shaped her decisions. Some decisions have been painful and others have been joyful, but overall she has come to the realization that her past experiences and decisions have evolved her into the person she is today. She has learned from her past and present and each day she has committed to living her life with authenticity, freedom, love and much joy!

Maricela Rios

Happiness Facilitator

CLICK HERE For a Private Session

Maricela is a Solopreneur focusing on Igniting People's Joy through Purpose, Passion, and Joy! 

​Also know as the Joy Ignitor, helps others live an intentional life with purpose, passion and joy using a variety of natural healing techniques. She is a Reiki Practitioner, Coach, E-book Author, and Workshop Speaker. Maricela specializes in combining her previous diverse career paths, bilingual skills, education, and on-going personal development to help others heal, while claiming their self and igniting their joy! . 

She holds a Master’s of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, concentration in Hispanic Ministry from Boston College and Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration DeVry University. 

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